
"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." ~Marcel Proust

28 agosto 2011

Large Rock & Long Race: Weekend Fun!

Our group about to head up
Last weekend was excellent! A bit tiring but fun nonetheless. We survived our first week of school and took off Saturday morning on our first of many excursions as a group. A small bus took us about 45 minutes away to San Sebastián Bernal, where we hiked Peña de Bernal....a huge monolith! Our guide took us up about 3/4 of the way and it was a relatively easy climb. Towards the top I continued on ahead of the group and climbed up a bit further where you technically need equipment to be "safe".... oh well, I'm here now and still alive, Mom. : )

Snapped this while exploring the village
Chapulines!= Grasshoppers!
After returning from our hike we spent some time down in the little village. We walked around, explored the local shops and then gathered for Comida. As I entered the doors of the restaurant, I was handed a corn tortilla hot off the stove. It only gets better. For Comida I tried the traditional plate Chile en Nogada. It is a giant chili stuffed with meat, cheese, and other goodness, smothered in a white semi-sweet cream sauce, and sprinkled with pomegranate seeds. Delicious. Topped that off with the village's famous apple beer, but of course I needed one more thing....Chapulines. That translates to FRIED GRASSHOPPERS. A delicacy in various parts of Mexico. So I indulged in taco with a generous serving of grasshoppers. (yes the legs get stuck in your teeth)

Justin Searway. First Round Draft Pick!
We celebrated Emily's b-day Saturday night at our professor's house and wrapped up the fiesta by handing out our race goods for the next morning. (It definitely turned into a sort of Sports Draft as I handed out each race bib and t-shirt!) I went to bed Saturday night a little bit sore and definitely tired from being in the sun all day on the monolith. Good thing I was planning to run a 10k just 6 hours after I got to sleep!... Carrera Por la Paz turned out to be loads of fun! I succesfully ran the 10k in 48:32....not bad considering we are at 6,000ft elevation here. Memories flooded back as I crossed the finish line...Over 3 years ago I "failed" my sports physical due to problems with my spine and was told I could not run cross country my senior year of high school. I had not run a race since then. 2 surgeries and a long road to recovery has brought me here....after pounding the pavement for over 6 miles, I crossed the finish line without pain and yet another reminder of how blessed I am.
 We ran for a good cause. An organization striving to put on community events while sending a message of peace on all different levels. This country is truly a place that needs peace. If you are in the United States and you have seen any news you probably think that I should have died yesterday. I wish everyone back home could see where I live. It is so beautiful and there are so many GOOD things here. My city feels very peaceful and I have yet to feel "unsafe" anywhere. However, there are many other places in Mexico that need peace. Desperately. Two days ago,  a casino in Monterrey was attacked by members of a drug cartel. In a horrific act of terrorism, the men set the casino ablaze killing over 50 people. Today the flags in my city fly at half-mast....a reminder that this beautiful and safe city I live in is part of a country that is still hurting in many other places. Last weekend, as I ran the race, I prayed for peace in this city and this country. Tonight I pray the same. May God bring peace to this wonderful place and safety to our Mexican brothers and sisters.

2 comentarios:

  1. yes yes yes yes yes! love all of this. overjoyed about your 'first' race, disgusted by the grasshoppers, and jealous of your crazy-gorgeous views you had in San Sebastián Bernal. so glad you're loving it!

  2. Looks like you are having an awesome time!
